Thursday, July 17, 2008

From Grandma

Kacie's grandma asked me to post this for her. Kacie was lucky enough to have spent a lot of time with her Grandma while growing up. Grandma and Mimi lived right down the street from each other on Chanceford Road and became very good friends.

From Grandma,

She was the apple of my eye,
She was a joy to be with,
She was so smart and creative,
I loved her dearly.

We went shopping from the time she was a baby. It was always,
"Just a little something Grandma", "Just a little something."
Of course, she always got a little something. Usually a doll. She loved dolls.
I have so many wonderful memories of my Kacie.

These memories will keep me happy while I'm so sad . I'm so grateful that we had so many wonderful times while she was growing up. They are in my daytime dreams and nighttime dreams.

Love Grandma


Natalie said...

I can see Kacie saying that "Just a little something" sounds like her :)
Please tell Haidey (forgive me if I spelled that wrong) I said Hello and that I hope maybe one day I can taste her famous cooking Kacie used to always talk about... particularly the rice and beans I remember her saying were good. and I think she had mentioned the plantains?

Nancy said...

She loved you very much also and was lucky to have a grandmother like you.

Natalie said...

I also remember Kacie would always get little cards from her grandmother and grandfather just saying "Hello" and they always had a 'little something" in them. Kacie thought that was so nice of them. Like Nancy said, she was very lucky to have grandparents like them.

Natalie said...
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Natalie said...

Please tell Hayde hello today and that I am thinking of her.
xo Natalie