Friday, July 11, 2008

Memory of Kacie

Kacie, We love and miss you more than you will ever know. Love Mom and Dad.


Natalie said...

where did you get this pic from?

Nancy said...

I thought Gary got them from you when you copied some pics from her computer.

Natalie said...
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Natalie said...

okay, i was thinking maybe you got it off the internet and it was some great coincidence that you picked the same photo kacie had picked. I dont think this picture is in Ocean City. But she loved seagulls. I always told her seagulls were "rats with feathers." She always dismissed my comments as pishposh because she realllly loved them.

Anonymous said...

I thought of you the other day....I was looking at my some of my old pictures on MS and saw some of the comments you left me and I couldn't help thinking of you. Then I was sorting through some papers and found one of our "instant" homework/projects from Frisky's class...I laughed to myself because I remember how half ass we did on the assignment and yet still got a A. And how reluctant other people in the class were to work in groups, the majority decided to work solo (not to name...names but you know who) and ended up with a far lower grade than ours. HAHA I remember minutes before class when I knew my assignments were due that I could count on you to be their working on your "instant" homework/projects and that we'd end up splitting the work to get it done...we may have been 5, 10, maybe 30 minutes late for class but we always managed to pull it off and some how ALWAYS make the grade. I so missed you when you moved away.

I remember when we got back in touch and you told me you had moved away and got married...WOW and you expressed how much you missed Baltimore and how I told were insane. I remember when I asked you how you accomplished the new Kacie New for the wedding and you directed me to FatLoss4Idiots. That was one crazy convo.....LMAO

I miss you, I wanted you to know you were on my mind and that I am blessed to have been able to share your world with you. I cherish our memories. In writing that I remembered your comment about my MS quote n some random other suff (You thought is was so funny and you mentioned your going to have to you that one sometime) so I thought I share:

**NOTE** RANDOM FRIEND REQUESTS ARE DESPISED. At least say hello or a simple "hi" before sending me a friend request. Random friends requests are considered "my space friend whores" and I have NO room for whores in my life. Sorry!

Ok...yesterday (not really but follow long with me) I was hungry so I went to Panda Express....I was about to throw away the bag the food came in when I noticed a fortune cookie in the bag. Even though I am not that fond of the actual cookie itself I opened it just for fun to read my fortune. This is what it read:

There is only one happiness in life: to love and to be loved.

I just thought I'd share that will all of you...I think all things happen for a reason and this particular cookie was meant for me...(and maybe thousand others...but who the hell cares) it touched me and sometimes it takes something so small to remind us of how blessed we be have family and friends who care about and believe LIFE could be a lot worse.

Cheers.....and lots of love to ALL my friends for each of you have touched me in your own ways and whether you were in my life for a day...weeks...months or years you came into MY life for a reason and for whatever that reason is I am truly blessed to have met you.

As for all others (potential friends, family, lover's enemies...just kidding) thier is a reason and a purpose for me meeting you as well what that reason is who knows but lets enjoy it for what it is and when the ride is over (that is if its ever really over)we will each have something to take from one another....oh how true this has proved to be...