Monday, July 21, 2008

Mimi Has Another One

Mimi told me about this dream that she had last night. It's very brief but I promised her that I would pass it on.

Mimi walked into a room and saw Kacie standing there. She couldn't remember how she was dressed but Kacie was an adult. Mimi said "oh my god, it's my Kacie" and gave her a big hug. Kacie disappeared as soon as Mimi hugged her.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I'm glad Mimi was able to see her. The past two nights I had two more dreams iinvolving Kacie. The first one she was in. And Gary was there he was really trying to hype Kacie and I up and get us to go on this long walk for a good workout. But before we were going to leave kacie said she couldn't take a walk. She said due to her current state she couldn't walk that far because she was pregnant and wanted to be a good host to me. Then the dream ended... it was weird.
The next dream I had did not have Kacie in it but was kind of about her. I dreamed I was over another friend of mines house. The girls house I was over was a friend that I grew up with but we are no longer friends anymore. Her name is Ryon. She knew Kacie but not that well. Anyway in the dream I was snooping through Ryon's room and I found these stack of credit cards and Id cards. For some reason I stole them. Then as I was leaving the room, Ryon walked in and I was all flustered thinking she was going to catch me I dropped some of the cards and quickly picked them back up and one of them was one of Kacie's college identification cards. I don't know why Ryon had it in my dream. Then I ran into another girl that I am not friends with anymore either... and kacie did not like at all. This girl tried to talk to me and I yelled and cussed at her and walked away. Then the dream was over.
I don't know what these were all about or what they mean... but i was thinking of getting a dream dictionairy just out of curiousity for some of these.