Monday, June 30, 2008

art lesson

Well Kacie has taught me a lesson on art today. I have been looking at things and memories of Kacie and some of them I don't know where they came from or what the story is behind them. For example, she had some images up on the computer, some of you may have saw them before. The one in particular that I did not know the story behind where it came from was the image you are seeing above, this goofy life of constant mourning. Kacie loved art and poetry and music... was always collecting images and knick knacks. I googled the saying "this goofy life of constant mourning" i thought it was ironic she had this. I found out that the artist of this image's name is Jim Dine... and well apparently hes pretty famous. This particular piece is the cover of a book he did with artwork and a poem that weaves through the whole book of art. I am going to find it at a book store and check it out. I have to say I was pretty embarassed that after my whole 4 years of art school I did not know this artist's name. After I saw some of his other paintings I did recognize his work. In fact he was quite famous for artwork with hearts... lots of pop art. But ALL Hearts... I found this also kind of cool because hearts has been a strong symbol we referenced a lot in our friendship. We always called each other "lover" it was just a little word in our language together... her other friends shared this as well with her. we also would always call each other "true lover" or "true homies" "true thugs" these were all little sarcastic nicknames we had for each other. Kacie and I also had a ongoing inside joke for years that because we spent so much time together that people probably thought we were lesbians. When we went to ocean city together we stayed at the dunes manor hotel in febuary the only people there were old people i mean ancient. then there was me and kacie young, we had kind of a more "artsy" look... and got quite a few dirty looks from some of the other patrons at the hotel. We stayed together for a weekend, dined together at the nice resturaunt below and treated ourself to wine and a fancy dinner among all the geriatrics... we thought it was a riot that these old people probably thought we were crazy lesbians. We called our experience at the hotel the "lesbian seagull package" It was awesume. So the heart that we drew in the sand was not only about the famous symbol for being best friends but it also was partly a joke poking fun at our fake "relationship" that weekend. Years after that trip to OC we still would joke about it. Many times we joked that we should get a tattoo of a heart with out two initials in it. We spent many bored evenings trying to draw the design... they were all horrible. We would wake the next morning look at what we drew and were like.... ummm what were we thinking? In honor of Kacie and these memories I did get a small heart tattoo of her and I's first initial in it. It is a silly tattoo but Kacie would have liked it.


Rissy said...

i never knew she liked jim dine. its a shame because he's one of my mom's favorite artists and she has tons of books i could have lent to kacie.

i remember her talking about the lesbian seagull package...but im not sure i ever got the story behind it! i think i'd remember that one! I think its sweet and funny that after all those lesbian jokes, now you wear her rings. :)

Natalie said...

i have no idea how kacie even found this jim dine picture... she did not have any of his other paintings... just the goofy life one. maybe she just saw it while browsing around on the internet... i don't know. but it is cool that we have all these small connections between us between different things.

Natalie said...

oh does your mom have the "this goofy life of constant mourning" book? I am dying to read the poem inside.

Rissy said...

do you remember last year at honfest when we were in that little shop and she saw the weird wall-hanging thing she liked. it looked just like that with some saying scrawled on it in sort of messy handwriting. I know that picture is floating around somewhere. thats what it reminds me of.

Rissy said...

i dont think she has that one...the only one that im sure she still has (she did some spring cleaning when she moved) is one with a lot of his hearts in it. Its a very thin book. I'll have to try and find it

Rissy said... right after i wrote that i relaized that i actually have the book. lol. the next time i see you, nattertatter, remind me and i'll bring it.

Anonymous said...

I know the exact piece in the store in hampden you were talking about. the quote was "tell me when i am no longer needed and i shall go"
I just researched that piece as well it is by anther artist... whom made books like Jim Dine did too.
check out this link

Rissy said...

do you remember the name of the store? i wonder if its still there...i'd give them whatever they were asking for it.

Natalie said...

the store was called shine collective... and I went in there before we met up with you for honfest. it was not there anymore. The shine collective used to be a mix of new and old they had new clothes mixed with antiques and old records. However, Kacie and I tried going to the store in the past winter sometime and it was closed for renovation. when i went into the store during honfest the space was a little different an they no longer sell the antiques it is only new clothing and new accesories. so unfortnatley either someone already bought it or it is somewhere else. However... I bet you could find a print of it somewhere on the internet. i have not really tried to do that yet. but i did see on the internet you can find posters of "this goofy life of constant mourning"

Nancy said...

natalie, thanks for telling us all your great memories of your OC trip. She always talked about that trip and how much she wanted to go back to the Dunes. i think i still might have the postcard you guys sent us.