Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Kacie Inspired Dream?

Three nights ago, I had the following dream. Kacie was not in it but I'm sure her memory inspired it.

I was sitting in a small boat tied to the end of a pier. There was a small boy sitting in the boat with me. There were a lot of boats cruising past us and we waved and talked to the people on board as they went by. A boat full of young people in their twenties, around Kacie's age, was approaching us and I told the boy that the people in that boat would not be able to see or speak to us because they were dead. The boat passed closely by us and the young people on board were laughing and smiling but they did not notice us. After the boat passed by, the boy's mother ran to the end of pier and told me that I had given her son very good advice about life.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

wow! i never knew about the snake. I remember the chinchilla though!