Tuesday, June 3, 2008

One Funny and One Sad Dream

Last night before falling asleep, I watched the Conan O'Brien Show and that explains my first dream. I was in a crowded house and there apparently was a party going on. Conan was there and he was following Kacie around the house. Kacie was not an adult but a young teenager. After a while, I couldn't find either one of them and I happened to walk into a back room and there was Kacie. There were many people seated in the room and Kacie was standing up front and talking to them. At first, I thought that she was conducting some sort of prayer service but then as I listened I realized that she was telling everyone how to get in touch with her and then I woke up.
My second dream wasn't as pleasant. Nancy and I had hoped to meet Kacie at my mother's house but Kacie didn't show up. So Nancy and I went to a large hospital complex to meet her there. We entered the main building and searched the hallways and rooms but she was not to be found. Nancy was notified the Kacie was being held in a jail cell somewhere on the hospital grounds in a building called Prisoner Review. I was extremely angry and extremely sad when I ran out of the hospital to find her. I ran as fast as I could from person to person asking them for directions but couldn't find anyone that had heard of the building. I continued to run past buildings looking at the signs out front for one that read Prisoner Review. There was a woman outside of one of the buildings and she was talking on a pay phone. I grabbed the phone from her and could hear a good friend of mine, Howard Goldman, making sounds to make me laugh. I became enraged, yelled into the phone, and through it to the ground. I continued running until I saw a group of doctors leaving one of the buildings. None of them could tell me where she was imprisoned and then I woke up.


Natalie said...

well... im sorry about the unpleasant dream... i have had some of those too. As far as the other dream goes Kacie LOVED Conan Obrien so I am sure she was thrilled to be at a party with him.

Jeff said...

Natalie beat me to it. I was going to mention how much Kacie liked the Conan O'Brien show. We used to watch it and laugh hysterically.