Sunday, June 15, 2008

Kacie's Favorite Ghost Story

In our bedroom, there's a little ceramic handmade cottage. It really brings back memories because when Kacie was a little girl we would each hold it just before bedtime and make up stories about the old man and little girl that we pretended lived there. I did this with her so that she would become a good storyteller and I saw that she had a great imagination. She loved to hear my stories but her favorite was a real life ghost story that I told her when she was an adult. Here it is and it's absolutely true!

About one year after Nancy and I got married, we were living in a small apartment in Randallstown, Md. One Sunday morning, Nancy saw a house for rent in Manchester, Md. We were tired of the city life so we drove to Manchester that afternoon, saw the house, and signed the lease. It was an old brick rancher out in the country on a quiet little street. It only had one bedroom and was located at the corner of New Street and Wertz Ave.

Things were going well for several weeks and nothing out of the ordinary occured until one evening when I got home from work and walked into the dining room. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a tall figure with long white hair and dressed in a white gown. When I turned to look directly at it, it suddenly disappeared. After this first incident, I assumed that my imagination had gotten the best of me. But I continued to have this same experience on a reular basis. It appeared in different corners of the dining room and always vanished when I tried to look directly at it. I didn't want to scare Nancy, so I didn't reveal my experience to her. In fact, I waited about twenty years before saying anything to her.

I was frightened. I felt that I could deal with the situation but things took a turn for the worse. I had to stay home from work one day because of a bad cold and Nancy went to work. Later that morning I was about to get out of bed for breakfast but something pinned me to the bed by my shoulders. I had to struggle to stand up and really had a difficult time walking to the bedroom door. It's difficult to describe, but it was like trying to walk under water. There was pressure coming at me from all directions and I had to push my way through it. I was sick but so frightened that I sat outside in the wintertime until Nancy got home. From that day on, I could never stay in the house alone.

It got worse. Nancy and I visited some good friends in the area one evening and got home rather late. I did a few things in the kitchen and walked down the hallway to the bedroom. As I approached the bathroom I could hear Nancy laughing very loudly behind the door which was partly open. I asked her what was so funny but she didn't answer. So I opened the door and was shocked to see that she wasn't there. I immediately looked out of the bathroom window and I saw her walkining our dog about one hundred yards behind our house.

After this final incident, I could no longer deal with this house and began to tell Nancy that I was tired of the area and wanted to move. It gets even better. Just before we moved, I was talking to my father and he asked me for directions to get to our house. When I told him that we lived at the intersection of New Street and Wertz Avenue, he seemed rather stunned. He then proceeded to tell me that my great grandfather, Mr. New, had married a woman named Wertz from the town of Manchester where we lived.

That was enough for me. I broke the lease and we moved back to Randallstown.

Kacie loved this story and I'll never forget how big her eyes got when I first told her.


Rissy said...

i remember you telling us that story (in the hospital i think)...but i don't think you told us the last part, about New and Wertz...that makes it even creepier (if that's possible!)

Natalie said...

i remember Kacie had told me about this story you told her. She was spooked. She also told me a story about Wards Chapel Road right off of Liberty Road. She said you told her there is a spot at the bottom of the steep hill where if you pop your car into neutural it will go uphill or something to that effect? I don't remember it exactly. I remember Vince and her went to that spot in there car and tried it one time and I don't think it worked for them... but they were not sure if they were doing it right. What was the exact story about that spot?

Anonymous said...

I heard that story from Kacie many times and when you told us (Vince, Larissa, Jeff and Myself) that night in the hospital I saw so much of you in Kacie. Kacie and I would watch Ghost HUnters on the SciFi channel for hours then she would have to sleep at my house, which she did quite often, because she was scared to be home alone!

Jeff said...

I remember Kacie telling me about your ghost stories. I think she said something about a house you had that had faces coming through the wall. Kacie joked a lot but not about ghosts. If I made the slightest comment about ghosts being in our apartment, she would get really upset with me.

Natalie said...

jeff, i remember hearing this story too. it was a house they lived at before kacie was born, i think.