Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mimi's First Dream

I just spoke with Mimi and she gave me the following account of her first dream of Kacie from a couple of nights ago. She said that she could see and hear Kacie just like in real life.

Mimi was sitting alone in her little room at Paradise Assisted Living and it was around 9:00pm. She was just about to get up and lock the door when Kacie walked in. As usual, Kacie walked directly to the bed and stretched out. Mimi asked her where she had been and Kacie told her that she had been shopping and bought a few things. She then went on to say that she was thinking about leaving her job. Mimi got upset with her because she had just bought a new car and job hopping wouldn't look good on her record. They then talked for a while about unimportant things and Kacie got cokes that they drank together. Later as Kacie was leaving the room she told Mimi not to worry because she could work things out.

Mimi is really looking forward to having more dreams of Kacie so that she can particate in our website. I will be reading various postings to her.


Natalie said...

thats so great. whenever i went to visit mimi with kacie she always layed down on her bed. didnt waste anytime getting comftorable! ha. glad mimi can be apart of this too. :)

Natalie said...

i plan on making a visit to see mimi today and bring her a fountain soda.