Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Second Dream

I had a dream about two weeks ago that I told Natalie about and I have been so busy with my new job that I haven't had the ability to share it with all of you. In my dream I was laying in bed in my new house that I am now in in Annapolis. And Kacie was there at the foot of it talking to me. She then started pulling out an outfit for me to wear and laid it on my bed. We were talking and laughing and all the sudden she started walking to the door to go downstairs. She looked at me and said "Mommies gonna go downstairs and use that bathroom because she needs to make a stinky stink" and I started to laugh because, it was just so typical of her to do that. The next thing I knew I woke up in my bed in my room and I was staring at the ceiling, as I rolled over I realized there were clothes on my bed and I notice it was the outfit Kacie had pulled out for me. I got up and went down the hall to my roommate, Jen's room and asked her if she had heard me talking to any one. She said yes and that I was apparently sleep walking. I thought that that was so weird and got back in to bed. As I rolled over again I woke up once more. I was dreaming inside of a dream, which is quite a weird occurrence. But, once I realized there were no clothes on my bed, because of course that was the first thing I looked for, I was happy that I got to see Kacie once again and that she was being her normal disgustingly, hilarious self!


Gary New said...

That was real Kacie. I hope I'll have one like it.

Nancy said...

Great dream Lindsey. Sounds just like her. Good hearing from you!!
