Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Fried Zuchini

Within the last week, it feels like I have been dreaming about Kacie every night. Some good, some bad. Most forgotten the minute I wake up. One I can't forget is on the night of June 1st, I remember seeing Kacie and I immediately hugged her and swung her around in a circle because I was so glad to see her. I then told her she looked really good. That is all I remember from that dream. I remember how good it felt when I woke up because it was like I really saw her and felt her in my arms. In my dream, she had past away but we were still spending time together. Most of my dreams involve meaningless stories that don't really make sense but this dream left me feeling like I was able to spend just a few more living seconds with her. It felt amazing.

The next night was not so great. I remember seeing Kacie again and we were driving around in a car with someone I work with. Kacie and I were laughing at the other persons bad taste in music. This was pretty much all I remember but I remember having this feeling in my dream that Kacie really did go to the hospital but all of it was over and she was going to be all right. Then I woke up. This might have been the worst I have felt since it all happened. I have been pretty good with coming to the realization of what happened and dealing with it from there but I truly believed nothing was wrong with her for a brief moment. Waking up was really difficult because the first thing I realized was the horrible reality.

So now that I have gotten through the sad part, I feel like I should share some funny experiences Kacie and I had together.

I will never forget Kacie trying to make me fried zuchini in her house in Hilton Head. I had told Kacie how much I liked the zuchini from the Japanese resteraunt there. She was determined to make me some fried zuchini so she filled up a cooking pot with cooking oil and turned the stove on high. All I remember is kacie yelling and walking into the kitchen and seeing a flame five feet high (afterwards there was a large smoke marking on the ceiling). Gary was upstairs and I think Nancy was at work. The fire alarm started going off and I panicked. Gary rushed downstairs and grabbed the extremely hot pan, put a lid on it, and rushed it outside. It was kind of scary, we could have burned the house down. The other thing that was scary is we couldn't find Gus anywhere and thought he ran outside after hearing the alarm. Kacie, Gary, and I searched all over the neighborhood for him. At some point, we realized he was so terrified that he was hiding under the bed upstairs. Kind of frightening at the time but hilarious when I look back on it.

There are so many funny memories that I have written down but I will try and spread them out over time. Sometimes I feel like I am going to forget things I did with Kacie but she influenced me so much I feel like I will never forget. Anything I do such as listening to music, eating good food, or laughing at something funny, I think about how it relates to Kacie. She introduced me to so many good things in life. The most important thing I remember about her is her personality. She had such a funny way of looking at the world and her sense of humor had me in tears. She had these funny character voices and I don't really know how to describe them. Anyone that knows her knows what I mean. It was like she was living in her own little cartoon world.


Gary New said...

Your recall is great but where was Sam?

Gary New said...

I remember Fried Zuchinni like it was yesterday. You made me laugh so much.
I was at work and Gary called me hysterical that the house was burning down, and Kacie called me saying I'd better talk to Gary because he was going crazy. And then everyone was running down the street trying to find Gus.
Gus still takes off when we start cooking!! Nancy

Natalie said...

its funny you mentioned cartoon voices. My grandmother always said Kacie should do the voices for cartoons.