Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Kacie Learns To Drive

In her later years, Kacie became an excellent driver. Mimi was always complimenting her on her driving skills and criticizing me for the way that I drove. But Kacie wasn't always a good driver.

When she was fifteen we let her get her permit. I wanted to teach her to drive and the driver's ed. program at school was booked up anyway. I'll never forget our first time out together. It was about seven in the morning and I drove to a secluded area not far from Hilton Head's airport. Kacie took over and was doing pretty well until she failed to stop at a stop sign. I calmly told her what she had done and we went on our way. She soon went through another one and another one and another one until I believe she must have run six or so stop signs. My patience was wearing thin and there wasn't much traffic on Rt. 278, the main highway coming onto the island. So she pulled onto the highway and headed toward the mainland. It was a beautiful morning and she was doing great as we drove across the bridge connecting the island to the mainland. She was probably doing about fifty miles per hour when we came off of the bridge and suddenly saw the traffic stopped in front of us. I screamed at the top of my lungs and dug my fingernails into the dashboard. Kacie hit the brakes. The car probably skidded about fifty yards before coming to a stop just short of the traffic. The smell of burning rubber and smoke filled the car. When I regained my senses, I looked over at Kacie and she was just as calm as if she had just gone on a pleasant Sunday drive.

She got her license and soon had her first accident. She failed to yield the right of way to another student on the school parking lot and they collided. Our insurance covered that one. The second accident occured on Mathew's Drive when she again failed to yield the right of way to an elderly woman and they collided. Kacie paid for that one- $800.00. After that, we had a heart to heart talk and I made it clear that I would tear up her license if she had another accident. From that day on, she was a good driver.


Natalie said...

haha... well i wouldn't say she was the worst driver but ummm... well.. there were quite a few times i was in the car with her i was a little bit scared for my life hahaha. she always would yell at cars in front of her if they were going to slow. she had a little bit of the road rage haha. I remember whenever she was in my car riding in the passenger seat anytime someone was going ungodly slow in front of us she would reach over and beep my horn and I would always yell at her. She just laughed.

Natalie said...

oh... there also was the time before she got her new car that i took kacie out to TRY an teach her stick shift.... that didnt last too long. then when i drove with her in her new car that was stick there were a couple times she almost stalled out but overall i was really impressed how well she did.

Rissy said...

you could always tell when kacie had been a passenger in your car, because she was completely incapable of sitting up straight. She always had to lean the seat waaaaaay back...and she'd always bring a cup in the car...not a travel mug...a regular old cup from the kitchen. lol

Jeff said...

Kacie's Corolla was soooo beat up! She had scrapes going down each side and bumps and scratches all over the rest of it. I am sure everyone remembers how fast that car was. We were sure there was something illegal added to the engine to make it faster. Speaking of the Corolla, didn't she hit a deer and total it? Funny thing was, I think she said the deer just got up and ran away like nothing happened....leaving her with a destroyed car. Funny for someone that loved animals so much.

Natalie said...

no she sold the corrola to a cousin in ohio or somewhere. it wasn't totalled. do you remember "baby seal" It was this noise that the old corrola made that we called baby seal because thats what it sounded like. She also had all those stickers on it. I remember when she wanted to go on some job interview where they were maybe going to see her car she was worried about the stickers. This was when we lived together in catonsville. So she went outside (in the snow) with a razor blade and was trying to scrape some of the stickers off. I could hear her yelling with frustration all the way in the apartment because they wouldn't come off haha.

Rissy said...

hahaha! i remember baby seal!!!

Anonymous said...

The last time I hung out with Kacie was October (07), when I was driving my friend up to NYC and we stopped to stay over with Kacie in Baltimore. In the morning, we followed her to get some breakfast at Fell's Pointe(sp?)... I was explaining to my friend that Kacie isn't necessarily the best person to follow driving when a light turned yellow with PLENTY of time for both of us to make it through... however, Kacie decided at the very last second to slam on the breaks... good thing I was miraculously quick to react (maybe I had a hunch to be especially on my toes following Kacie) because it was extremely close to a pretty serious fender bender. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but most of my friends possessions filling her Jeep were flung into the front seat and smack into the back of our heads. My friend was so shocked but knowing Kacie, I could only laugh.

Jeff said...

I remember when Kacie would call me while she was driving. Everything would be normal, and then out of nowhere she would scream "move, you idiot!" It took me a second to process it that she was screaming at someone on the road and not me.