Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Kacie Speaks

Last night I had a dream about Kacie and she spoke to me for the first time.

I was in a neighbors house in Eldersburg, Md. and Kacie and another young teenage girl walked into the room with their heads wrapped in towels. Apparently they had just washed their hair. Kacie came up to me and said "did I scare you?" I said "no, but the girl behind you did." They then disappeared and I yelled "Kacie, Kacie" and then woke up.


Natalie said...

i remember Kacie's towels. For years she only had one. It was a red towel. Then when she moved to Sykesville she bought herself a little towel set. It was a nice one, burnt orange (ofcourse) and had a little detail on the bottom border.

Rissy said...

towels??!!! towels???!! what did kacie need towels for?? anyone that ever lived with her knows that she did NOT use a towel when she got out of the shower....the bathroom floor was always SOAKED when she was done in there!!

I'm sure those towels were very decorative.

Nancy said...

I was with her when she bought the towel set and shower curtain for the Sykesville apart. I brought it back home with me and have it in our guest bathroom. Very special memories.

Youre so right Larissa, that was Kacie!!