Monday, June 9, 2008

I thought it might stir up some memories to ask a question and then everyone can leave their answer in comments if they want.
to keep going with the zuchinni dinner theme...
* What was your favorite (or one of your favorite) dining experiences with Kacie ? *


Jeff said...

Yay! me first.....

There are a lot of really great memories that come to mind but I have to talk about the time Kacie and I ate dinner at the Pink House in Savannah, GA. I think it was Valentine's Day of 2001. This restaurant is very, very high class and I had never been anywhere like it before. I remember Kacie was wearing her purple prom dress and what I was wearing was a whole story of it's own. I didn't have a suit to wear because it was required at this restaurant. Kacie and I went to the nearest thrift store to see if they had one. I remember the suit being blue with pinstripes. I think I paid about ten dollars for it. The funny thing about the suit was it was wayyyy too big for me. Kacie and I didn't realize it until I put it on back at the News' house. I remember Kacie and Nancy laughing hysterically at me because it was so big. This is making me laugh just writing about it. I remember getting to the Pink House and walking up to the restaurant and people staring at us through the window outside and smiling. I was really embarrassed because I was in such a goofy costume. Then we ate. I remember the food being better than anything I have ever had. I remember we ordered some kind of cheese fritters for an appetizer and I had rack of lamb. I am not sure what Kacie had.

This night was special for me because I remember Gary telling me after she passed that whenever Gary asked her what was the best place she ate at was, she always said the Pink House.

Here is also a list of favorite restaurants Kacie and I ate at:

Typhoon - A thai resteraunt in Savannah, GA but closed down. Kacie really liked Pad Thai and I always got something spicy but can't remember what it was.

Outback - I remember Kacie saying she loved the Victoria's filet with blue cheese crumbles on top. I always liked getting the prime rib.

Bufallo Wild Wings - This is a chain restaurant that is popping up all over the country. Kacie hated San Antonio but I remember her saying that if anything was to keep her there, it would be this restaurant. One of her favorite phrases when I talked to her was "I want wings!." She said this aaaalllll the time. Speaking of wings, Kacie and I made some wings in San Antonio that were really good. It was a really long process to make them and I remember talking to Nancy on the phone while we made them.

Taste of Thailand, Hilton Head, SC - This is a really good thai restaurant that Kacie liked in Hilton Head.

Tong's Thai, San Antonio, TX - This is another good Thai restaurant we liked in San Antonio.

Carraba's, Columbia, MD (we also used to go to one in Savannah) - This was an old favorite of Kacie's. When I first met her, she talked about Carabba's in Columbia all the time. We really like the bread and oil/ herbs they serve.

Clyde's and Tomato Palace, Columbia, MD - Kacie loved Clyde's. I used to work there as well and sometimes she would drop in and say hi. She used to call it "Cly."

The Melting Pot, Columbia, SC and Columbia, MD - Kacie and I drove three hours away from Hilton Head to Columbia, SC just to go to this restaurant. It is a fondue restaurant and a bit overpriced but we thought the idea was cool so we went. Kacie and I also went to the one in Columbia, MD right before we got married. Kacie and I had wine and spent over a hundred dollars on our meal. The people in the booth overheard me telling the waiter I was in the military and visiting my fiance from TX. When we were done, the waiter stated that the people in the booth next to us had paid for our dinner and the tip. Kacie and I thanked thanked them before we left.

...............there are a lot more but I will keep writing them down and add those later.

Rissy said...

i remember kacie telling me about the melting pot story, jeff!! she couldn't believe that they actually paid!!

the food story that always jumps out to me was the time i foolishly challenged kacie to a wing-eating contest. We were living in our townhouse in Columbia at the time, and we both loved eating, and we REALLY loved eating together because we'd both just gorge ourselves. She and i had been talking about how much we liked hot wings, and she insisted that she could eat REALLY REALLY hot wings no problem. I told her that i loved hot spicy food, so she was going down. well....the day of the challenge came. i don't remember where we got the wings from, but there were a ton of them!!!! i think i managed to get through like 5 maybe before i went screaming into the kitchen to get some water. and kacie was just sitting there, covered in wing-sauce, laughing at me and eating. this was the first time i learned about kacie's super-human taste buds and her inability to be phased by something spicy.

I also remember many-an-Outback trip with her. and jeff, please, she liked the Horseradish topping on her steak not bleu cheese...come on!! lol. she'd get the same thing every single time we went. I think it was the last time we went there together, it was crazy busy, so we sat at the bar, and there were these little kids sitting next to kacie with their mom....this was at like 10pm! you guys know how kacie sometimes got around kids, so she just kept inching closer to me trying to get away from their crayons and their juicy-juice.

Then there's the memory of WHENEVER KACIE ATE ANYTHING. she always made such a mess!!!! i've never seen such a messy eater in my life!!! it was hysterical! our coffee table in catonsville was always covered in salt when kacie cleaned up after dinner.

i know there are more...when they come to me, I'll add them.

Gary New said...

Kacie really did rate the Pink House in Savanna as the greatest meal of her life. She never stopped talking about that night.

My favorite dining experiences will always be the times when she spilled her drinks in the restaurants. There were too many to list but the Doughroller was the best.

When she was very young she had a strange obsession for noodles. She wanted noodles for every meal. It got so bad that I called her Kacie Noodle New for years.

When she got older she was obsessed with the food channel on cable tv. She would come to the island to visit us and she would watch that station and nothing else.

Nancy said...

Jeff and Larissa made me laugh so much. I'll never forget that suit you had to wear. Now, Im making Gary take me to the Pink House.
I have to admit, food was a big part of Kacie's life. Her grandmother is Spanish, loves to cook, and Kacie spent a lot of time having dinner at Grandma's house.
I'll never forget the first time Kacie brought Jeff home to meet us. Kacie's grandma and aunt also happened to be visiting, so he had to meet the whole family. Anyway,
her grandma made Frijoles (black beans) and platains for dinner. I don't think Jeff had ever seen a platain before or ever ate frijoles. He tried them and loved it. He kept asking Kacie to make this for him, but don't think she ever did.

Another time Kacie, Jeff, Gary and I went to the Crowne Plaza Hotel here on Hilton Head for the all you can eat seafood buffet. Gary and Jeff wanted to get their money's worth so they challenged each other to see who could eat the most crab legs. We were there so long, I think Kacie even wanted to leave. I can't remember who won, but I remember GAry ate so much that he had to walk outside and throw up in a bush.

One big surprise I remember is Kacie calling me to say she just had a steak. She became a vegetarian at 12 and did not eat meat until recently.


Natalie said...

yeh i remember when kacie was hardcore vegan and then it went to vegetarian... and then one day she said she had a dream about chicken... so she had to eat some she said.... and after that it slowly lead to other things like steak which she loved from outback as everyone knows.

Natalie said...

The last place Kacie and I went out to eat at before she passed was Friendly's in catonsville on Old Frederick Road. Every time we went there it was a horrible idea. We always remembered it was a horrible idea but went anyways thinking this time would be different. The service there is horrible... maybe takes 10 mins just to get a seat because the employees are too busy gossiping or whatever they do. Anyway, we really only went to friendlys for the Peanut butter cup sundae at the end of the meal. It was sooo good. So after we finally got a seat our food came... I think Kacie ordered the grilled cheese with tomato and fries... and I ordered buffalo tenders with fries.... then after we ate all of our food we looked over and there were roaches climbing up the walls. We both almost threw up it was disgusting. So there was some guy walking around who looked like maybe he could be the manager we were like ummmm there are roaches... very nonchalant he was like "Oh. well do you want to sit at that table?" pointing at the table exactly across from it. So we did. WE STILL HADN'T HAD THE PEANUT BUTTER SUNDAE! THAT WAS ALL WE REALLY WANTED! so we got our sundae. Amidst all of this Kacie kept being like "uhhh mommys gotta make a stinker" So not only did I continue to eat my sundae after the roach incident but also somehow managed to keep it down my throat with Kacie's flatulence commentary. I would give anything to do it all over again roaches and all! I miss you Kacie :*(

Rissy said... you remember that time waaay back int he day when Kacie went on a date with Jason and dragged me along. We all went to that Friendly's and it was my first encounter with that place (I still shudder thinking about it)...and guess what she ordered...a peanut butter sundae!

Nancy said...

Im glad i didnt miss this comment.
That was one of the funniest dining experiences i have ever heard! Thanks for making my day. Dont you think the roaches bit the dust after getting hit with that odor?? ha ha


Anonymous said...

I remember one of the first things I ever heard about Kacie was that she was the messiest eater and would tear apart a lot of FuNachos at lunch time. That's a weird first impression! haha
Also, I rememeber being forced to go to the Typhoon thai place in Savannah, and,
I described The Melting Pot to Kacie and Jeff with such enthusiasm it motivated Kacie enough to force Jeff to drive to Columbia to eat there! I was always flattered when Kacie said she loved the way I described food.. .haha!

Jeff said...

Speaking of weird facts, for some reason, I vividly remember listening the Neutral Milk Hotel album "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea" for the first time while we were on our way to the Melting Pot in Columbia, SC. I remember not liking them but then later realized it is one of the best albums I have ever heard. This was the last CD Kacie had in her car.

Jeff said...

To reply to everyone elses comments,

Larissa "Rissy,"

Kacie threw down some wings like no other. I can remember exactly she ate them too. She picked at the chicken meat off with her hands rather than eat it off the bone.


She really did love the food channel. I remember kacie and I making fun of Rachel Ray for the way she talked and called the italian girl "lollipop head,"(can't remember her real name.)


I ate at Friendly's once or twice with her. Their service is so bad, its even worse than the McTrasher's across the street.

Anonymous said...

Kacie and Food! I love to cook and find myself cooking almost every night, and Kacie took full advantage of that. She would call me and ask what was for dinner then make me describe in the most tantalizing detail what I used/was using to prepare it. She wold then come over, wine bottle in hand to chow down! I remember one night we decided we were going to make smores and all we had as a flame was a citronella candle to melt the marshmallows over. We made a HUGE mess and ended up leaving globs of chocolate on my patio, we also had it all over us and thought it would be funny to draw chocolate mustaches on ourselves and wake my roommate Jen up to show her. Kacie and I were also gym partners and while we could motivate each other to bust our butts on the elliptical, we also would motivate each other to shove a steak down our throats after spending an hour plus sweating like pigs. Those are the times I miss the most, because Kacie and I spent so much of our day to day lives together, it's the little things that I do, like going to the grocery store that remind me of her because we always did it together.

Anonymous said...

Kacie and I always bonded over food, I am extremly picky with food so she was always fascinated by the way I prepared and dissected food. I would cook and she would eat! We were always trying to figure out how to make all dishes taste even better. I loved that she was a vegatarian, but would always eat cheesy tuna noodle when I made it, n it was our little secret. One of my fav memories was when we were little & Mrs. Nancy was making us belgium waffles, and she decided to eat a whole stick of butter, it was hilarious! We would have "dates" at PF Changs and she convinced me to eat the vegetarian lettuce wraps which I swore would be gross, but of course I loved them and now always get them everytime I go. She also loved Atlanta Bread Companys Barley Soup. We would also go to different restaurants in search of Eggplant Parmesan! Oh and I can't forget our dates to Uno's, we would go there up to 4 times a week when we were taking classes together at HCC.

amanda said...

One of my favorites was when the doctors told Kacie she shouldnt be vegan because it wasnt healthy. She was sooo excited to eat cheese and dairy again. So the very first thing we did was got to Guiseppis and order some Mozzerella Sticks, then Kacie got a Cheese Boli ( I think the curly fries too) and ate all of it. Then we went to starbucks where she got a frappucino with EXTRA whipped cream. About 5 minutes after we started our coffee beverages Kacie had to run to the bathroom. In that way where she sort of laughs while running. She spent the next 20 minutes in there while I read the paper.

Jeff said...

haha "mommys gotta make a stinker."

These are all great stories and I just realized that I never replied to Nancy recollection of my first Thanksgiving dinner with the News. I will also never forget that experience. They were forcing food on me until I couldn't move. I thought they were going to have to get a wheelchair so they could roll me out of there. I think this was literally only a couple of months after I met Kacie. It was really bad because Kacie and I went directly over to a Thanksgiving buffet with my Dad right after that. Kacie kept bringing me plates of food and the rest of my family were sitting around waiting and staring. I have always enjoyed not having any manners.

It was nice to go back to the crown plaze hotel with Gary and Nancy recently. I will admit, I can't keep up with Gary's eating skills. He should be in crab leg speed eating contests. Regardless, I love how the employees give us terrible looks after we take them out of business for the month.