Sunday, June 1, 2008

photo art dream

I had a strange dream about Kacie last night. I woke up around 8 am and forced myself to immediately write everything down so I would remember it all. Well here is what I wrote... "I was running through a cafeteria full of people to find Kacie. I found her sitting at a long table. She was sitting at the end all by herself with her hair up in a scrunchie. She never wore these. Maybe only as a kid. She also was dressed in very plain clothes like she was in scrubs from a hospital. In the dream she had become really sick with cancer or some deadly illness. We were sitting there talking about how we hadn't seen each other in a long time.We looked to one side of the cafeteria and there were these huge blown up pictures of her and I in OC. Only these were pics I have never seen before. They were more like artistic portraits. But they were not pictures of us together. There was one large framed picture of Kacie at O.C. and one large framed picture of me in O.C. We startedto walk over to these photos and Kacie lifted the bottom of her shirt and showed me a bump on her hip that looked like a blister or something. I asked her if it was a tumor. She said she wasnt sure. We got over to in front of the pictures and were pointing at them and laughing when we pointed at the one of me it almost fell off the wall. The glass was loose and the photo swung around as if it was going to come unhinged. I remember I was trying to fix and steady the frame. I noticed there were all these fingerprints on the right hand side of the photo. Kacie and I then joked about how we had done such a crappy job framing them. The photo of Kacie was a simply shot of her standing in front of the beach but it was kind of a blur. The picture of me was very dark. It was all black except for small highlights of blue on my face and body. Almost like the beach at night or something. It had my body 3 times in the photo. As if the photographer had taken a really long exposure. the motions my body made were blurred on one side. Then on the other side there was another one of me in the photo (if that makes sense) I was kneeling down looking out to the viewer ...looking very scared like a deer in the headlights. After we had attempted to fix the frames we started walking abck to our seat. We joked about how it had taken us so long (a couple years) to develop the photos from our ocean city trip (that is a true story) Then all of a sudden we were at a gas station (weird gary dreamt of the gas station) and Kacie was telling me a story about how once she got held up at a gas station.(this never happened to her in real life) As she was telling the story it started playing its self out. As if people at the gas station were acting the story out. I could see the guy that robbed her and her pumping gas and then (this is where the dream got funny) it turned into a rap song music video.Kacie was no longer in the video it was just the guy who robbed her started doing a rap video. then I woke up... it was strange.
But at one point when we were talking about how long it had taken us to make the pictures from ocean city. In the dream I thought in my head how I had found pictures of me in O.C. in Kacie's huge piles of pics her parents let me go through at Mimis house. This was because when Kacie and I went to O.C. we bought 2 disposable cameras. She took pics of me and I took pics of her. We took pics of us doing the same exact things and the same exact poses. In the dream I thought about that in my head and was about to tell Kacie about how I looked through those photos after the hospital. It was at that point in the dream where I had a realization that I was in a dream and Kacie was actually gone. But I kept going with the dream and that is when she started telling the story of how she got robbed. ..... I  dont know!! it was a crazy long dream....


Gary New said...

That was very interesting. I keep a paper and pen by the bed like you do to record my dreams. Keep on dreaming.

My dreams have been rather brief and Kacie hasn't talked to me yet.


Gary New said...

Wow, what a dream. You are lucky
to be able to remember in such detail.
